Thursday, August 28, 2014

My 5 “keep sweet” stars review of Wife Number Seven by Melissa Brown

One clicking Melissa Brown’s book is kind of like auto pilot to me. I don’t even have to read the synopsis to know I am going to enjoy the heck out of it. That said, I beta read for her- and when she pitched this book, I was all over it. She posted the synopsis and my brain went into hyper drive. I was ecstatic to the say the least. Never had I read a book synopsis like it and I was super fascinated. Then she started flying through the chapters- and I craved them; like I’m assuming a drug addict would do- I went through withdrawals, I needed those characters. I needed the plot and to find out what was happening! And when it was over- I was so sad. I pictured them as very real people- and now that they are gone, I am left wanting to know more! 

That’s a good writer. No, that’s a great writer. This book will be on my top list this year hands down.

A polygamist compound. Might not sound too interesting to you, but it intrigues me for sure. How they can live the way they do, follow the rules like they do, and most of all share their husband. One woman married to a man seems like enough of a challenge- seven women, seems like too many hens in the chicken coop. not to mention, if you are very young how frightening it might be to go and l live with a bunch of women and children- and your sole purpose is to cook, clean, and provide more children for his family. Such is the case of poor Brinley.

"Our duty is to produce children our husband for Heavenly Father. It is not to fornicate or indulge our desires."

Brinley is a wickedly strong young woman. And has no choice but to follow the word, and marry Lehi. Going in knowing you had to share your husband has to be something so heartbreaking, and not loving him- would be hard for any one person to do. But she did it. She was born into the lifestyle and she had no choice in the matter. She is dying to live the life she wants to life- and the screams inside only get louder with each passing moment.

“The voices in my head started as disjointed whispers, so unconnected that they didn't make any sense. But, those whispers were coming together, becoming more cohesive, clearer and louder in my head than ever before. From a whisper to a scream... I was waiting for the scream.”

Then there’s Porter- the man that is shunned from the polygamist lifestyle by his parents. He is out in the real world when he spots Brin and steals her backpack- but she needs that backpack- quite like a man dying of thirst in the desert- it holds secrets, that if exposed could ruin her very existence. Because while she wants to leave the life she’s know all these years, she is so very scared.

 “There is more to this world than life in a compound Brinley.”

The relationship that begins as curiosity turns into something much more dangerous- Brinley builds courage. And while she is scared of life beyond the wall, sometimes it can be so great- it’s perfect.

“I told you, you’re my heaven. If I burn when I die, that’s fine. I’m a selfish man and I want my heaven now.” 

This story proves my theory that Melissa can do no wrong, she can write romance and dramatic flair- and now we can say she writes provocative, thought provoking, devastatingly beautiful works of art. She has definitely done the research on this lifestyle and gives readers a breath of fresh air- as I can guarantee I have never read anything like it. The secondary characters are well developed- even though there are those that I hate- ::cough Lehi cough:: and those that I love {Aspen}.

"You're here on this earth to be you. That's all." 

And that my friends, is a lesson we all need to learn. Bravo, Brownie- be extra proud of what you have written. 

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